Human Performance Improvement Certificate



有3门必修课和1门辅助课程(从3门课程中选择)。 以及HPI证书课程的最后一门课程. 顶点课程 (ISD 611) is the final course in the sequence. In other words, it is taken after the other 4 courses are satisfactorily completed. 的 courses are as follows:

HPI Required Core Courses 

3 core courses (9 credit hours):
ISD 641- Performance Systems Technology
ISD 640 – Needs Assessment
IDE 645 - Advanced Human Performance Improvement


Select one course (3 credit hours) from the following: 
ISD 621 - 教学设计 
ISD 642- Project Coordination 
IDE 660 – Program Evaluation

Human Performance Improvement Certificate Course of Study

Culminating Capstone Experience

Required capstone course (3 credit hours):
ISD 611 – Macro-level Training and Performance Systems
最终的经历是注册ISD 611并圆满完成其学业 最终项目.


  • 目前IDD硕士和博士研究生可以完成证书课程 working on their degree 程序. (学生 must notify the COE Graduate Studies Office of the intent to pursue this certificate.)
    • 当学位课程完成,HPI证书课程完成后,IDD certificate notation will be added to the transcript.
  • 想要独立于学位课程获得IDD证书的学生 can make application through the Office of 招生.  Interested Individuals will need to have a bachelor's degree. 
    • 当课程完成后,HPI证书符号将被添加到成绩单中.

How to 应用 to the HPI Certificate Program 

如果你目前不是在读研究生(硕士或博士), 然后你需要申请进入其中一个证书课程.

▼   Admission Requirements
  1. 获得认可的高等教育机构颁发的学士学位.

    正式成绩单*可以通过邮寄或电子方式发送. Instructions can be found under “帮助” on the application.

    *申请美国教育与专业学院研究生课程的美国学生 Studies should complete a transcript request form (PDF) found on the University 注册商's Office website.

    在成绩单接收方的姓名/组织字段中,写上“美国研究生院". 的re is no charge associated with this request. This option applies only to USA transcripts for students applying to USA graduate 程序s.


  1. 平均绩点要求: A minimum overall grade-point-average (GPA) of 2.5对4.0 scale based on the GPA 作为授予学位的基础,并在官方成绩单上公布 在获得学位时获得地区认可的机构 OR a 2.5的GPA在最后60个学期的本科课程作业上公布 官方成绩单从一个地区认可的机构在当时的程度 是赚了. 

    GPA例外: 从地区认可的机构获得学士学位的个人 在获得学位的时候,并且没有符合入学要求的GPA 可以根据研究生入学考试的合格分数申请入学吗 (GRE) or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT). For the GRE, this standard is defined as 在以下所有子测试中得分都在第50百分位:语言推理, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. For the Miller Analogies Test, students 必须在总分组百分位数的第50百分位或以上的分数 等级评分. 对于备选A类课程,申请人必须提交资格证明 阿拉巴马州规定的实践学科领域测试的替代分数.

  2. 两封熟悉申请人学术背景的推荐人的推荐信 和/或专业能力(通过在线WebAdmit门户网站提交).

  3. 申请人职业目标和研究生学习目的的个人陈述(上传) document within application through WebAdmit portal).

  4. 专业履历或简历(通过WebAdmit在线门户网站提交).


To apply - click here to get to the 招生 login page.

▼   Advising by an IDD 教师
一旦进入证书课程,将任命一名学术顾问进行监督 您完成认证要求的进度.
▼   Progress and Requirements for Certificate Programs
入学时将指定一名合格的指导老师. 此外, 设立了一个证书委员会来监督学生每学期的学习进度 基础.
Satisfactory student progress will be a minimum GPA of 3.0 on all certificate 程序 courses and all work attempted is required. A maximum of two Cs can be counted. No grades of D or F may be counted. If a third C or any grade below a third C is earned, the student will be dismissed from the 程序.
▼   Moving to the Master's Degree 程序

参加证书课程的个人可以决定继续攻读学位 程序. 被指定的证书课程录取的学生 个人需要重新申请IDD硕士项目. 一经接受, 然后,学生将参加硕士学位课程和证书课程 成功完成的课程将适用于学位要求.

美国公告 提供更多有关HPI证书申请及录取政策的资料 程序.

▼   For More Information Contact

教学设计 & 发展项目
College of Education and Professional Studies
UCOM 3800
Ph: (251) 380-2861