


的 教学设计 and Development (IDD) Certificate is a 15 credit hour 程序. 这些课程可以按任何顺序上. IDD证书课程如下:


isd613 -教学学习策略
isd621 -教学设计
isd642 -项目协调
isd653 -开发在线教学



  • Current IDD master's and doctoral students may complete the certificate 程序 while 攻读学位课程. (学生必须通知COE研究生学习办公室 想要获得这份证书.)
    • When degree 程序 is complete and IDD certificate courses are complete, the IDD 证书批注将被添加到成绩单. 
  • 学生 who would like to pursue the IDD certificate independent of a degree 程序 可以通过招生办公室提出申请吗.  感兴趣的人士 需要有学士学位. 
    • When courses are complete, the IDD 证书批注将被添加到成绩单.


If you are not a currently enrolled student in a graduate 程序 (master’s or doctorate), then you will need to apply for admission to one of the certificate 程序s.

  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

    Official transcripts* can be sent by mail or electronically. 说明可在申请表的“帮助”部分找到.

    *USA students applying to a USA graduate 程序 in the College of Education and Professional 研究应完成 申请成绩单表格(PDF) 在大学教务处网站上找到.

    In the Name/Organization field for the transcript recipient write, "美国研究生院". 此请求不收取任何费用. 此选项仅适用于美国 transcripts for students applying to USA graduate 程序s.


  1. 平均绩点要求总平均绩点(GPA)不低于2分.5对4.基于GPA的0等级 used as the basis for granting the degree and posted on the official transcript from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree 是赚了 OR a 2.5 GPA on the last 60 semester hours of undergraduate course work posted on the official transcript from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree 是赚了.

    GPA例外: Individuals who have earned a bachelor 's degree from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree 是赚了 and who do not have a qualifying GPA for admission may seek admission based on a qualifying score of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)或米勒类比测试(MAT). 对于GRE考试,该标准定义为 having a score at the 50th percentile on all of the following subtests: Verbal Reasoning, 定量推理和分析写作. 对于米勒类比测试,学生们 must have a score at or above the 50th percentile based on the total group percentile 等级评分. For Alternative Class A 程序s, applicants must submit a qualifying alternate score on the Alabama-prescribed Praxis subject-area test.

  2. Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic and/or professional abilities (submitted through online WebAdmit portal).

  3. Personal statement on applicant's career goals and purpose for graduate study (Upload 通过WebAdmit门户网站提交的申请文件).

  4. A professional curriculum vitae or resume (submitted through the WebAdmit online portal).



Once admitted to a certificate 程序, an academic advisor will be appointed to monitor your progress toward completion of the certification requirements.
  • A certificate faculty advisor will be appointed upon admission to the 程序. 此外, a Certificate Committee would be established to monitor the progress of students on 一个学期接一个学期.
  • 满意的学生进步将是最低绩点3.所有证书课程都是0分 课程和所有的工作都是必需的. 最多可以计数两个c. No D或F的成绩可以计算在内. 如果得到第三个C或低于第三个C的分数, 这个学生将被开除学籍.

Individuals in a certificate 程序 may decide to continue studies within a degree 程序. Having been admitted as a student in a designated certificate 程序, the individual will need to reapply for the IDD master' 程序. 一经接受, student will then be enrolled in the master’s degree 程序 and the certificate courses that were successfully completed will apply towards the degree requirements.

美国公告 provides more information on application and admission policy for the IDD certificate 程序.


教学设计 & 发展项目
UCOM 3800
Ph: (251) 380-2861