十大彩票网投平台 药学系

Spectral imaging of FRET-based sensors reveals sustained cAMP gradients in three spatial dimensions


The 药学系 is dedicated to state-of-the-art research programs relevant to identification of new pharmacologic targets and therapeutic strategies 在人类疾病中. Linked to this objective is the goal of providing a relevant and stimulating educational environment for graduate, medical, and undergraduate students.

Our faculty's research programs are well supported by the federal government, private 基金会和工业.  Areas of interest include the regulation of gene expression by small RNAs, cyclic nucleotide signaling, vaccine development, microparticle-mediated cell-cell communication, vitamin B-derived redox cofactors, bioinformatics in sepsis, mitochondrial DNA damage in diabetes and lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, and hyperspectral imaging technologies. We have strong links with the Center for Lung Biology, the Mitchell Cancer Institute, and the Division of Pulmonary and Critical 美国卫生保健中心. 

Our students and postdoctoral fellows are immersed in a highly dynamic and interactive research environment, with a major emphasis on career development, through for example, attendance at national and international meetings, active participation in clinical case conferences, or involvement in department teaching programs.

We hope you will take time to peruse the individual faculty research programs and get a sense of the creativity and vitality that characterize each one. 对未来 graduate students and postdoctoral scientists, we invite you to view the Basic Medical Sciences Graduate Program 网站. 


十大彩票网投平台 医学院
5851美国博士. N., msb3372