希腊 领导 Academy

希腊 领导 学院我s a program tailored to rising undergraduate 领导人 在我们的 希腊 社区 or any member who would like to improve their 领导 and communication skills.  的 program was started in the fall 2019.  由于 pandemic, the academy was put on hold for 2020 but in spring 2021 a new class completed 学院实际上.  的 academy is comprised of six sessions including topics like 多样性, Equity and 包容, financial responsibility, creating a vision, working with a team, goal setting, and the characteristics of a leader.  参与者 interact with the speakers and complete activities to reinforce learning. 


希腊 领导 award winners
希腊 领导 award winners


希腊 领导 award winner
希腊 领导 award winner