

Feel free to contact the Music Department faculty or staff any time you have questions about any aspect of USA Music. The main Music Department Office is open Monday-Friday, 8:00-5:00, except for staff holidays. All the department phone numbers have reliable voice mail available, so please call and leave us a message while we are out of the office, should the need arise.

给我们发邮件? All mail sent to anyone in the Music Department gets delivered to the same location:

Laidlaw Performing Arts Center
电话:al36688 -0002

部门电子邮件: usamusic@xinban3.com
JMB电子邮件: usajmb@xinban3.com

Need to talk to someone about the Music Department or its events? 试试这些电话号码:

Main Music Department Office -- (251) 460-6136
Music Department 乐团 -- (251) 414-8193
音乐系 Events -- (251) 460-7116
Arts in Education Programs -- (251) 460-6272

Looking for a list of names specific to areas within the 音乐系?

点击 教师目录 and and use the tags on the right to sort and navigate through our list of faculty.