
全国第一代大学生庆典 Logo

The 多样性和社区参与司 is thrilled to host the National First Generation College Celebration this year between 11月ember 7 and 8, 2023! 这 is a momentous occasion where we get to honor and celebrate the incredible journeys of our first-generation college students, their remarkable achievements, and the unique 他们为我们的校园社区带来了新的视角. 我们等不及要展示多样性了 of talent, experiences, and knowledge that first-gen students contribute to our academic 家庭.  Join us in celebrating this momentous time, and let's make it a day to remember. 所有的赛事都对每一只美洲虎开放! 欲了解更多信息,请浏览以下内容.


The 全国第一代大学生庆典 commemorates the signing of the 高等教育法. The 高等教育法 was signed by 总统 Lyndon B. 约翰逊 1965年11月8日. The purpose of the 高等教育法 was to strengthen the educational resources of our colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance to students in postsecondary and higher education. 这项立法使许多人能够 attend college who would not otherwise have had the chance. 它涵盖了许多领域, including the provision of federal resources for continuing education, community service programs, and stronger library programs and library instruction. 此外, law supported cooperative arrangements between colleges and universities and the establishment of a National Teacher Corps to attract teachers to underserved institutions. 最 far-reaching component was the reduction of financial barriers to attending college. 1965 marked the beginning of a coordinated federal effort to address the issue of financial aid for all students with the establishment of low-interest federal student 贷款. A subsequent reauthorization of the Act in 1972 led to the creation of the Pell Grant program, which provides need-based grants for students at middle- and lower-income 水平. The 高等教育法 undergoes reauthorization through the Federal Negotiated 规则制定法程序. Negotiated Rulemaking is the process Federal Agencies use when there are proposed changes to administrative regulations. 政府机构 and affected interest groups gather to comment and negotiate terms of these changes. The 高等教育法 has been reauthorized 9 times: 1968, 1972, 1980, 1986, 1992, 1998, 2008, 2020, 2022.


Stop by the 学生中心商场 from 11:00am to 1:00pm to learn more about what it means to be a first-generation college student and get more information on the National 第一代书院庆典!


数码品牌工作坊 & 第一代混合器

Join us for an empowering digital branding workshop, where you'll learn to craft your unique online presence and amplify your personal brand in today's digital world, featuring 来自领英的卡维尔·布朗. Following the workshop, forge new connections and strengthen existing ones as you mingle with fellow first-generation students, faculty, and staff! 将提供茶点. 点击这里申请你的位置!


生命游戏 & 校园资源展

加入我们为一个令人兴奋的生活的真人大小的游戏! 浏览真实世界的场景 tailored to the challenges and triumphs of first-generation students, and discover campus resources that will empower your academic journey. 将提供茶点.


这 year's celebration would not be possible without the support of the following 部门: 


大学项目 & 捷豹的作品


