
Hosting or considering hosting a meeting or event?  你找对地方了 援助.  An array of meeting essentials and services are available through the Center.  Our professional staff is well-versed and focused on the business of events, whether it is a seminar, retreat, camp, conference or convention.  我们很乐意 成为你成功的伙伴.

Event planning can be quite intimidating, but, we will schedule a complimentary consultation meeting with you (and your constituents if 需要) to personally review your requirements, offer guidance, suggestions, and provide detailed descriptions of the services offered 通过中心.  A custom proposal will be prepared after the consultation outlining 我们的建议和相关成本.  服务可以打包在一起以 offer an all-inclusive, “one-stop shop” option, highly recommended, or, they may be 按菜单选择.  All of the services below are included in the all-inclusive option.

Conference services (outlined below) require evaluation and action at various stages of the event, pre-conference, during conference, and post conference.  现在,“坚果” & 螺栓,”可以这么说... 


In this phase of planning, we will discuss all aspects of your event to identify your 编程需要. Some of the topics we will cover include: what is the purpose of your event, who will be attending, what is the budget, how will it be funded, and 如何衡量成功? Then we will move into a through needs assessment; space needs – meeting, banquet, exhibition, housing, registration, desired location and 有其他安排吗?.


这是计划的创意阶段. 对于选择使用中心的程序 full range of services, we will move into 活动设计. 这个过程从 identifying space needs to defining what will happen in the space and how it should 看. 你们有或需要演讲者或演示者吗? 是视听设备 需要? 您的展览空间将如何配置? 有什么特殊需要吗 主题派对,或要求食物 & 饮料? 需要交通工具吗?? 是 还有其他需要注意的细节吗? 举办活动的建议将 接受客户的要求并与客户一起审核. Center staff will confirm selections; negotiate 价格和流程合同.

Throughout a meeting or event it is imperative to have a clear understanding of the people or person’s that are 需要 to properly carry out all of the specifications 这些都是之前发现的. 大学和社区的贵宾会出席吗? 注册将如何处理? 是否需要志愿者或监护人? 是 有些特殊需要需要注意?



Defining a budget is one of the most crucial aspects of planning. 啮合中心时 staff, we will work with you to establish an economically sound plan by requesting proposals and negotiating rates for space, meals, and other services both on and off-campus. Rest assured that Center staff work within all University policies and guidelines to establish an event fund, process payments and disbursements, as well as, providing 获得收入跟踪报告.


市场营销 needs can vary greatly from event to event. 就像我们努力定义需求一样 and implement plans for space and meals, marketing should be thoughtful, timely, and 从第一天起就考虑到了. 从如何邀请与会者开始, and how will event details be communicated, to printing the final agenda or program. 当然沿途会停很多站. 营销活动通常落在 into a few broad categories: materials – conference logo, brochure, agenda, signage, directional materials; digital – web presence, electronic event communication; merchandise – conference bags, promotional items; and public relations – talking points, press 发布,媒体活动,拍照机会. 中心工作人员坚持以大学为本 best practices for marketing and brand integrity guidelines.


Meetings and events, at their most basic level, are about people, and the audiences 我们所服务.  您对中心工作人员的期望:  

  • collaboration, each event is viewed as a partnership,  we are only successful if you 是成功的
  • respectful, ethical, and socially responsible guidance
  • recognition that each event is unique and handled appropriately
  • 愿意“多走一英里”