

Come together as a community to prevent what is possible and support victim-survivors. 心 at USA is here to help students who have experienced sexual assault no matter when the assault took place. An estimated 13% of all college students (26 % of female undergraduates and 23% of gender non-conforming students) will experience sexual assault during college.


一个无暴力的校园社区,受害者 & 人际创伤幸存者1 feel safe and supported in their healing journey so that they may be empowered to 过最健康的生活.


既要防止性暴力2 on campus and provide holistic, trauma-informed clinical and 复苏-oriented services 有过性暴力经历的南方学生2 在一个包容、不评判、保密的环境中. 

我们相信受人际创伤影响的人1 deserve compassionate, culturally-responsive 护理 that adheres to best practices 并不断追求卓越. 本着这一指导信念,我们坚持 以下值:

All of our work is guided by the fundamental principles of trauma-informed 护理: safety; trustworthiness and transparency; peer support; collaboration and mutuality; empowerment, voice, and choice; and attention to cultural, gender, and historical considerations. 心 team members and partnering departments participate in ongoing professional development emphasizing trauma-informed 护理, and policies and procedures are developed and amended to facilitate a trauma-informed approach to all aspects of 护理 delivery.
我们相信那些经历过人际创伤的人1 possess invaluable, inherent wisdom of the healing 过程 and are fully capable of making their own informed decisions regarding the best course of action for their 复苏. 因此,接受心关怀的受害者和幸存者会引导整个过程 过程. 在开始治疗后,受害者/幸存者将获得一系列服务, including medical 护理, evidence collection (with the option of reporting to law enforcement), advocacy, and counseling – which services the victim/survivor receive, if any, are 完全由他们自己决定. 心团队成员承诺支持受害者 and survivors’ decisions and, when necessary, advocating on their behalf to ensure 学生可以及时、轻松地获得他们选择的服务.
Just as we are committed to empowering the victim/survivor to be in charge of the 护理 they receive from 心, we are dedicated to ensuring victims’/survivors’ privacy 在法律允许的最大范围内. 提供医疗保健的心团队成员, advocacy, and counseling services are all considered confidential resources and therefore not required to report incidents of sexual assault to either law enforcement or Title IX. 在任何需要披露受害者/幸存者信息的情况下 以保护更大的南校区社区.g.,袭击与迫在眉睫的 threat to the campus safety), a 心 team member will discuss this 过程 with the victim/survivor and only disclose the information necessary to ensure a safe campus. 
Increasing access and eliminating barriers to 护理 following violence exposure is 这是心的首要任务. 认识到费用可能是一个重大障碍 accessing services for students who experience violence, all services are provided 不需要受害者/幸存者付出任何代价. 此外,所有学生都可以获得服务 and are delivered by 心 team members committed to respectful, culturally-responsive 护理. 
没有合作就没有心脏. 具体来说,心是由 staff, faculty, providers, and administrators from key campus departments, including: 学生健康, Advocacy, Law Enforcement, and Counseling, as well as community partners 同样致力于应对和预防暴力. 我们相信创新和 greatness are most readily achieved when individuals with a variety of personal and professional backgrounds come together to share their perspective and expertise. 
心 team members are committed to personal and professional development that continuously seeks to enhance the quantity and quality of 护理 offered to victims and survivors 南方暴力事件. 团队成员定期参与以团队为基础的专业发展 activities to hone their skills, and collaborate with other national and international experts to ensure services adhere to the most up-to-date, evidence-based practices. As educators located within a university system, we also seek to mentor the next generation by becoming a national model for systemic, trauma-informed, campus-based violence 通过提供服务和临床培训来应对和预防. 




Consider donating to sustain free services for students that have been affected by 性暴力. 资金用于支持预防和应对工作. 65美元支持 学生在法医检查期间的基本需求.


想做志愿者吗? ?

完成这个 form and you'll be contacted by a 心 team member to discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities.

发生在两人或多人之间的创伤. 例子包括但不限于 to: child abuse (including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, neglect, and witnessing violence), sexual assault/rape, intimate partner violence/domestic violence, stalking, historical trauma (the pervasive oppression and violence toward a group or culture 多年或几代人),战争和酷刑(莫里茨,M. W.古森斯,P. J., Draijer N., & van Achterberg, T. (2013). 人际创伤暴露的普遍性 以及严重精神疾病中的创伤相关障碍. 欧洲精神创伤学杂志, 4, 10.3402 / ejpt.v4i0.19985. http://doi.org/10.3402 / ejpt.v4i0.19985).

2 Any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including 但不仅限于家庭和工作.

This website was produced by the 十大彩票网投平台 under 2020-V3-GX-0164, 由犯罪受害者办公室,司法项目办公室,美国.S. 部门 正义的. 的意见、发现、结论或建议 this website are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official 美国的立场或政策.S. 律政司.